
Ujung Kanan Jalan

Semakin lama ku menatap Semakin dekat ingin menetap Merasa hati kian berdamai utuh Jauh kata meruntuh Layak hadirnya penguatan Menjelang kau di ujung kanan jalan Sambil menengguk teh hangat spesial Mengingat jalan-jalan kita yang terjal Mengalahkan resah merajut tepian hati Waktu memastikan tiap-tiap jarak Setiap rasa saling mendekatkan Setiap asa saling merekatkan.

Silent Feelings

Much time has passed through patience Even though it has no limits I walked, seeing your shadow deeply Silent feelings Everything that has been passed has gone so far One thing that can't be separated It's prayer that saves this feeling So, this is enough We still hope on the ground Have fun things Achieve a pure dream Remove sadness to dare to say love

The Cold Hug of The Night

I accept the evening provisions That presence exhales peace I hold my heart to roam Not far, just above this taste Try to be persistent I don't reduce it with anything else That can be done To stay here Closed book on my bed Coffee becomes dry in a glass Not with my mind Cold with your eyes

Apathetic To Restlessness

Dusty lined legs Sweat flows profusely Hand wiping tired Too short to complain Risk and time wounds But the coolness comes because it's good hearted There's no word of vulnerability at all times Everything becomes meaningful Awake eyes Prayers channeled quietly Bring a smile after that Everything becomes light

The Evening Rhythm

I have a good day Break down all small problems The thing that makes me happy A fine day I walked alone, I fell many times But I kill all selfishness that eats my passion This sweat becomes very meaningful For families, for their future I'm at evening My job is to pray the best Get a better tomorrow And love myself more

Meretas Rapuh

Penuh dengan keyakinan Aku genggam sendiri tanganku Berlari pada semangat yang tak padam Walau jatuh berkali-kali Kulepas benih benci seluruhnya Kuredam segala amarah Melintasi perjalanan dengan orang-orang yang memulihkan energiku Nikmati menit demi menit berjalan Genggaman gelora jiwa ini semakin kuat Aku habiskan hariku dengan hal-hal membangun dan meyakinkan Meretas ruang-ruang kosong di setiap harapan Hingga waktuku benar-benar hidup

The Predilection

Kau lepas segala runtuh karena dahaga rindu Sangat hening senyummu meluluh hati Degup jantung tubuh bergetar Ini membuatku ingin hidup lebih lama Keningku, peluh mengering Sejukmu, buatku bersujud Tenangku, harimu membaik Ini membuatku ingin hidup lebih lama Kau lepas hatimu jauh ke dalam diriku Mengerti dan cerahkan wajah Kita akan bertemu Dan hariku ingin menyapamu lebih dekat